Sidetapa Village


In the Village of Sidetapa
     Sidetapa Village is located in Banjar district, Buleleng regency and situated in the hilly area. Sidetapa Village is an ancient village or local people use the term of " Desa Bali Aga" which mean the original residence in Bali. Sidetapa village was predictably built in 785 AC, with the comers from Batur area, Dauh tono ireng area, and from java, followers of Lord Markandea. However, the people of Sidetapa village is surely from Pasek caste, Patih Batur. At that time, Sidetapa Village consisted of three groups of society. they were : Pasek society who was in Leked area, Patih society who was in Kunyit village area, and Batur society who was in Sekarung area. all of these places now are in Sidetapa village. it is believe that long time ago, the name of Sidetapa village was Gunung Sari Munggah Tapa Village. 
    Please kindly visit for Sidetapa, The unknown Bali at

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